A Systematic Review on the Socio-affective Perception of IVAs' Multi-modal behaviour

  • Etienne Elodie
  • Ristorcelli Marion
  • Saufnay Sarah
  • Quilez Aurélien
  • Casanova Rémy
  • Schyns Michaël
  • Ochs Magalie

  • Multimodal behaviour
  • Socio-affective dimensions
  • Perception
  • Systematic review
  • Virtual agent


The multimodal behaviour of IVAs may convey different socioaffective dimensions, such as emotions, personality, or social capabilities. Several research works show that factors may impact the perception of the IVA’s behaviour. This paper proposes a systematic review, based on the PRISMA method, to investigate how the multimodal behaviour of IVAs is perceived with respect to socio-affective dimensions. To compare the results of different research works, a socio-emotional framework is proposed, considering the dimensions commonly employed in the studies. The conducted analysis of a wide array of studies ensures a comprehensive and transparent review, providing guidelines on the design of socio-affective IVAs