3 déc 2024
14:30 à 15:30
Neurocognitive correlates of writing acquisition and practice: insights from biscriptuality (Amphi FSS)
Dr Gaelle Alhaddad & Marieke Longcamp (CRPN)
Gaelle Alhaddad & Marieke Longcamp (CRPN), invitées par F. Sarlégna
Writing is a complex linguistic and motor skill that requires years of training to be fully mastered. In the first part of the talk, we will give an overview of our approach of the cognitive and neural correlates of writing acquisition and practice. In the second part of the talk we will focus on the study of biscriptuality, a specific case of writing practice. Biscriptuals are trained to write at an early age in two different scripts. Compared to monoscriptual training, biscriptual training imposes stronger constraints on motor and executive functions. We will describe several experiments suggesting that such constraints could have long-term consequences on graphomotor control and motor behavior at large. These data contribute to our understanding of how writing skills become grounded in the brain.